Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Top 6 pest control tips

The Gold Coast is one of the nicest places to live in Australia with a perfect climate and wonderful opportunities for everyone living there. It’s also a haven for pest's nuisances around the home, which is where pest control on The Gold Coast becomes important.
Before you realize you have a pest problem, they will have invaded your space and built homes and colonies. The best way to combat this is to have regular pest inspections of your property on The Gold Coast.
The top 6 things to control pests are:
1.      Keep Bugs and Insects Away
Gardens can be very attractive, but can harbor a variety of insects, so it’s best to keep them at least a meter for your buildings or foundations. White ants love things like mulch or older leaves as they contain old wood, their main food. If too close to your building they and other insects can gain easy unseen access. Using rocks and decorative pebbles are a great alternative
Always clear under stairs, decks and raised walkways as there are popular hiding places for insects, snakes and rodents